What’s New

Read about our latest updates and features.

Participant Recruitment

Recruit - 1

You can now recruit your participants directly in Lookback for unmoderated research (moderated coming soon) from our partners at User Interviews! No separate account or login is required; everything can be done from your Lookback dashboard. To learn more about this feature, please see this help article



Understanding stakeholders is one of the main keys to maximizing the impact of UX research. That is why we have built three brand new, AI powered, workflows right into the Lookback product: Stakeholder Interviews, Stakeholder Goals, and Automatic Surfacing of Findings. To learn more about these features, please check out the help article here. Happy researching!

Tasks: Keep with previous task

Keep with previous task

Sometimes it can be helpful to randomise your tasks in an unmoderated study to ensure the order of your tasks doesn't influence your results. However, there may still be instances where you want to keep some of the tasks grouped in a specific order, e.g. the two tasks need to be completed in sequence or you want to ask some follow up questions from the previous tasks. The "Keep with previous" function allows you to do that and you can read more about it here



With Themes, you can now better organize your Findings view in each project. Currently you can only add one Theme per finding, but we will soon be adding the functionality to support multiple themes per finding. You can learn more about using Themes in this help article

Public Links for Findings

Findings (formerly known as Highlights) are most often collected together and shared in Reels. However, sometimes a single finding is all you want to share with your stakeholders. You can now share individual findings using Public Links. Public Links for Findings can be generated either from the dashboard directly or within the player. You can learn more about both options in this help article


PreCheck Enabled

Live sessions are an exciting part of research, but late participants and no-shows can quickly derail your plans and leave you feeling frustrated. That’s why we created PreCheck, a simple tool designed to boost participant readiness and ensure your research days run smoothly. You can learn more about how PreCheck (Beta) works in this help article

New Dashboard


To help improve the creation of Findings & Reels as well as make room for some upcoming features, we've made some significant changes to our dashboard. You can read more about those changes in this help article.

Additional Language Support

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We've now added localisation support for Czech (🇨🇿) and Dutch (🇳🇱).

Just set the preferred language in your Round settings, make sure your participants are using the latest versions of our iOS and Android apps, and your participants will enjoy a translated Participant experience.

Redact Content

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Sometimes a participant may share sensitive information during a session that needs to remain private. With our Redact feature, you can now "blank out" sections of a recording to ensure your participant's information is protected. Check out this help article to learn more!

Updated Extension-free Experience


After launching our extension-free beta last year, it was a step in the right direction as it eliminated the need for participants to download any extension to participate on their desktop computer. 
We're now leveraging Chromium's built-in Picture-in-Picture feature which eliminates the need for participants to rearrange windows which was one of the main painpoints with our original extension-free beta. In addition, participants are now free to use not only Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, but we've also added Brave as a supported browser.

We hope you and your participants will enjoy the updated experience and we welcome any feedback you might have. You can read more about it in this help article. Happy researching! 

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